Posted tagged ‘missing pet’

SpotLight GPS Versus Traditional Pet Safety methods

March 24, 2011

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There was a time when the options available to keep your pet safe and secure were very limited and not very effective. A few decades ago, the only devices available were straps, ID tags/ microchip and collars. However, these were only meant for identification if your pet went missing. Restricting your pet’s movements was another practice to keep pets safe. As technology progressed, pet owners started using electric collars and electric fences, but they have their own limitations.

Recently, progress has been made in the field of pet safety. The latest development in the market is GPS trackers for pets, such as SpotLight and SpotLite GPSFor further details read this article

Looking after your pet in the digital age has become easier with GPS Dog Collars

December 10, 2010

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Until recently, most methods for finding a lost pet included putting up “missing posters” and registering a complaint with the local police station, and those tactics have an unpredictable rate of success. Even micro-chipping is not a perfect solution, because the pet owner has to wait and see if anyone happens to find the missing pet and take it to a local shelter or veterinarian. The shelter or clinic in question must have the necessary scanner to extract the information contained in the chip. Until this happens, the pet owner is powerless in the recovery process.

Thanks to huge leaps in technology recently, looking after your pet in the digital age has become easy using GPS Dog Collars.

Tips to Ensure Your Pet Comes Back

July 28, 2010

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Unfortunate as it may seem, accidents do happen. You could be vigilant and look after your pet in every possible way but something could happen that causes your pet to get lost. In such circumstances, it is best to plan ahead and be prepared. Here are some tips to ensure that your pet comes back:

React immediately – There is no time to waste when a pet goes missing. The faster you get out there and start combing your neighborhood, the higher your chances of finding him. Look all around carefully, call out to your pet all the while and canvas your local haunts as soon as possible. When pets go missing they often walk around only at dusk or dawn and rest for most part of the day. Drive or walk around especially during those times. Leave out a bowl of his favorite food or a special toy to lure your pet back home as well.

Ask – Once you are sure that the neighborhood has been searched thoroughly ask around. Visit your local park and speak to other pet owners if they have seen your dog recently. Knock on neighbor’s doors and tell them that your pet is missing. Ask your postman and delivery persons to keep a look out for your missing animal. The more people you ask, the more people will be ultimately looking for your pet.

Inform – The next step is to make flyers to put up everywhere. Using bright paper so that they stand out, include a description of your pet, his name, your address and at least two contact numbers. You can offer a reward but be wary of lost pet scams where people pretend to have found your pet in exchange for money. Do not transfer any funds until you have seen your pet and always leave out one distinguishing characteristic from your descriptions to ensure that the call is authentic. Put up these flyers all around – nearby veterinarian clinics, grocery stores, libraries, bus stops, the park, shelters, and pet stores. You could also advertise in local newspapers and radio stations. Make sure you have a recent photo of your pet and include it in your flyer or advertisement.

Contact – Reach out to all local shelters and rescue centers within a 60-mile radius of your house. It is not enough to visit these shelters or centers only once. A daily visit or at least a visit once in two days is recommended. Most times it takes more than a few days for a pet to be found and taken to a shelter so do not despair. Carry a recent photograph but be aware that over time your pet could get dirty and matted and might not look like he did before he was lost. Check in the Yellow Pages for your local animal control department and check if there have been any accidents in the area. On the whole, remember calling is rarely effective in such situations. Actually visiting these various shelters and departments regularly is the only way to ensure your pet comes back to you. The Internet can also be used if your pet goes missing. Tell friends and acquaintances about your missing pet online. Get on to various forums and message groups and ask for help.

Identify – Identifying your pet by means of a collar, ID tag or even a microchip is highly recommended. The information on the tag should include your name, address, at least two contact numbers with any changes in the same being updated regularly. Speak to your vet about permanent microchipping as an option.

Pet Locators – With the latest advances in technology, you now have access to the latest in pet trackers. Using GPS technology, missing pet trackers such as SpotLight GPS Pet Locator will allow you to fix your pet’s location in a matter of minutes. You can create certain safe spots with the device and if your pet moves out of them, you will be notified by text or email. The SpotLight GPS Pet Locator is water-resistant and durable and comes along with an exclusive AKC CAR collar tag with unique ID number that includes lifetime enrollment in AKC CAR’s Recovery Service as well. When it comes to tracking and finding your missing pet, there is no more efficient system than a GPS Pet Tracker. Using the latest technology, you can now be assured of finding your missing pet as soon as possible!