GPS Pet Locator – Why You Need to Get One Today!

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You treat your pet like one of the family – you shower him with love and affection, pamper him with goodies and can’t live without him. You then understand the fear of losing your beloved pet or have him go missing. Dog owners all over have always been afraid of one day having to scour the streets and search the shelters for their treasured pet. Until now, the normal procedure involved in looking for a missing dog was to put up posters offering a reward, lodging a complaint with your local police station and searching all over the neighborhood yourself. Most owners wont rest till they are reunited with their pet and this can be one of the most stressful experiences anyone can go through.

SpotlightGPS Pet Tracking SystemThankfully, courtesy the latest GPS technology, there is a new, highly successful way of keeping a track of your pet at all times. Basically, an A-GPS Pet Tracking system uses the same assisted global positioning satellite (A-GPS) technology that we use in our automobiles today. The transmitter is attached to the dog’s collar and once activated, it informs the owner of the pet’s location through email or text alerts. Some devices even allow you to program specific safe zones such as your home or local dog park, and when your dog leaves these areas you are informed of the same, thus saving precious time in tracking your missing pet. Since it uses GPS technology, you will receive not only the location of your missing pet, but also instructions and directions on how to get there. Some pet tracking devices are associated with a recovery center that is alerted once the pet goes missing and in this way, a combination of efforts takes place for the tracking and recovery of your lost pet. One device is fitted with a bright LED beacon that is visible from over 100 yards, which is especially useful when your dog goes missing at night. When choosing a GPS Pet Locator, make sure that the device you choose has a long battery life, is water resistant, and is sturdy such as the SpotLight GPS Pet Locator. SpotLight is one of the smallest GPS devices available on the market today, is water resistant and built to last.

AKC CARSpotLight is the next step in providing recovery services for your pets. It offers total peace of mind in knowing that your dog is always being monitored, no matter where you are. SpotLight offers a dedicated 24 hour, year round service. Created and developed in conjunction with the American Kennel Club Companion Animal Recovery (AKC CAR) team to reduce the number of lost dogs, buying a SpotLight GPS Pet Locator includes an exclusive AKC CAR collar tag with unique ID number that includes Lifetime enrollment in AKC CAR’s Recovery Service as well. The rescue button on the device connects you with your lost dog and a trained recovery team as part of the service. Thanks to the 24/7 AKC CAR helpline, there is always someone there to watch and help if your dog is missing. You can now relax knowing that you are always connected to your pet and that they are safe. There is no time like the present to go out and buy yourself the SpotLight GPS Pet Locator and some peace of mind!

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